Being our main ingredient, cocoa is our top priority when it comes to selection, production and variety.

Cocoa has been considered a sacred food and valued by many ancient civilizations, such as the Maya and the Aztecs. The Maya referred to cocoa as the “food of the gods” and believed that consuming cocoa provided energy, vigor and power. The Aztecs also regarded cocoa as a divine food, using it in religious rituals.

Here are some characteristics of cocoa:

  • Unique and complex flavor, ranging from fruity to earthy, bitter and slightly acidic. These sensory characteristics contribute to the distinctive taste of chocolate.
  • Cocoa naturally contains fat, known as cocoa butter. Cocoa butter gives chocolate its smooth and creamy texture.
  • Cocoa content (percentage of solid cocoa mass present in the final product) can vary, from milk chocolate, with lower cocoa content, to dark chocolate with a higher percentage.
  • Rich in antioxidants, especially flavonoids. These antioxidants help combat free radicals and are associated with various health benefits.
  • Cocoa has a characteristic aroma, often described as intense and chocolatey. The aroma of cocoa can change depending on the variety, fermentation process and drying.
  • Cocoa powder has a fine and silky texture. It can be used in various preparations, such as hot beverages, desserts and baking products, to add color and flavor.

In this way, cocoa is complex and quite rich and our focus on it contributes to a high-quality chocolate product.


O chocolate cru, também conhecido como chocolate não processado, é feito a partir de grãos de cacau crus que não foram torrados. Embora o chocolate tradicionalmente consumido passe por um processo de torrefação, o chocolate cru mantém os grãos de cacau em seu estado natural. Existem alguns benefícios associados ao consumo de chocolate cru:


Alta concentração de nutrientes: o chocolate cru preserva uma maior quantidade de nutrientes encontrados naturalmente no cacau. Isso inclui antioxidantes, flavonoides, magnésio, ferro, zinco, manganês e fibras.


Antioxidantes: o cacau é rico em antioxidantes, como os polifenóis, que ajudam a neutralizar os radicais livres no organismo. Os antioxidantes têm sido associados à redução do stress oxidativo e a diversos benefícios para a saúde, incluindo a proteção contra doenças cardiovasculares.


Propriedades anti-inflamatórias: alguns estudos preliminares sugerem que os compostos presentes no chocolate cru podem ter propriedades anti-inflamatórias. Esses compostos podem ajudar a reduzir a inflamação no corpo e promover a saúde geral.


Melhoria do humor e bem-estar: o chocolate, em geral, é conhecido por desencadear a libertação de endorfinas e neurotransmissores, como a serotonina, que estão associados ao prazer e ao bem-estar emocional. O chocolate cru pode proporcionar benefícios semelhantes, auxiliando na melhoria do humor.


Fonte de energia: o chocolate cru contém teobromina, uma substância naturalmente presente no cacau. A teobromina é um estimulante suave que pode aumentar os níveis de energia e melhorar a concentração.


Potencial efeito protetor para a saúde cardiovascular: alguns estudos indicaram que o consumo moderado de chocolate, incluindo o chocolate cru, pode estar associado a um menor risco de doenças cardiovasculares. Os antioxidantes presentes no cacau podem ajudar a melhorar a saúde do coração e a função vascular.


Dark chocolate, also known as bittersweet or high-cocoa chocolate, is a variety of chocolate that contains a higher amount of cocoa compared to milk chocolate. This higher concentration of cocoa brings various potential health benefits. Here are some of them:

Antioxidants: dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, especially flavonoids, which help combat free radicals in the body. Antioxidants can help protect cells against oxidative damage and are associated with health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart diseases and certain types of cancer.

Cardiovascular Health: several studies suggest that moderate consumption of dark chocolate may be associated with heart health benefits. The flavonoids present in dark chocolate can help improve blood circulation, reduce blood pressure, lower LDL (“bad cholesterol”) and increase HDL (“good cholesterol”). These effects can contribute to overall cardiovascular health.

Mood Enhancement: dark chocolate contains substances that can stimulate the release of endorphins and neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, in the brain. These substances are associated with feelings of pleasure, well-being and mood improvement. Moderate consumption of dark chocolate may have a positive effect on mood.

Brain Function Improvement: some studies suggest that regular consumption of dark chocolate may have beneficial effects on brain function. The flavonoids in dark chocolate can help increase blood flow to the brain, improve cognition and memory and protect the brain against oxidative stress.

Appetite Control: dark chocolate can help control appetite due to its intense flavor. Consuming a piece of high-cocoa dark chocolate can satisfy sweet cravings and reduce the desire to eat more.

Source of Nutrients: dark chocolate is a good source of minerals such as magnesium, copper, iron and manganese. Additionally, it also contains fiber.